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The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres

International Symposium

Verona - Italy, 6 to 8 July 2022

Virtual reality inside the Greek-Roman theatre of Tyndaris: comparison between existing conditions and original architectural features

Lorenzo Lavagna , Louena Shtrepi , Angelo Farina , Antonella Bevilacqua , Arianna Astolfi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58874/SAAT.2022.188
Abstract:Archeoacoustics has become a field of great interest in the last decades, which has constantly bridged the knowledge of three main disciplines: acoustics, archaeology, and computer simulation. This synergy is considered very beneficial when the cultural heritage subject to be studied is a historic construction of the Roman or Greek Age. The case study relies on the reconstruction of the acoustic conditions of the theatre of Tyndaris, located in Sicily, South of Italy. This paper deals with the application of the Ambisonics methodology to recording audio in combination with the panoramic view taken in one of a few selected locations across the theatre. The sound signal during the post-processing has been auralized in two digital environments: the existing conditions and the original reconstruction. The absorption coefficients of the digital models have been calibrated with Ramsete based on the measured results. The difference between the two outcomes has been compared.
Keywords:Virtual reality, Ancient theatres, Auditory VR

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