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The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres

International Symposium

Verona - Italy, 6 to 8 July 2022

Acoustics measurements, analysis and comparative study for caves used for Pan and Nymphs’ ancient rituals

Gavriil Kamaris , Nektarios-Petros Yioutsos , John Mourjopoulos

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58874/SAAT.2022.166
Abstract:This project investigates the possibility that caves dedicated to the worship of the goat-legged god Pan and the Nymphs in Classical Greece had unique acoustics that were suitable for such rituals. Two such caves in Attica, Greece known for their ancient ritual use were measured acoustically and were compared to the acoustics of another cave not associated with ancient ceremonies whatsoever. The ancient worship of Pan and the Nymphs have special connections to sound and resonance and hence it is important to examine a reciprocal potential relationship between their ritual performances and the sonic qualities of grottos. The acoustics measurements were taken in two sacred caves (cave of the Nympholept Archedimos in Vari, Lychnospilia cave on Mt. Parnitha) and for comparison, in a third cave with no evidence of ritual use (Korakovouni I on Mt. Hymettus).The measurements were taken using: (a) an omnidirectional mic to derive the acoustics parameters of caves and (b) with a binaural dummy head to calculate binaural parameters and allow subsequent virtual soundscape auralizations. The thorough analysis examines the acoustic suitability of these sacred underground.
Keywords:cave acoustics, Greek god Pan, acoustics measurements

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