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The Acoustics of Ancient Theatres

International Symposium

Verona - Italy, 6 to 8 July 2022

Preserving and managing the sonic heritage of performative spaces of the past.

Angela Bellia

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58874/SAAT.2022.94
Abstract:The ongoing SONIC HERITAGE project aims to develop a new multidisciplinary analytical approach that models the relationship between the intangible aspects and the spatial configuration of performative spaces of the past in order to assess the risk of sonic heritage of particular case studies in Italy and to contribute to the monitoring of present-day sound and noise for the future management and preservation of historical cultural heritage. This project also concerns the risk assessment of sonic heritage in ancient theatrical spaces as well as the modern reuse of these theatrical structures and the relationship with their intangible aspects and environment. This paper will present some issues raised by the Sonic Heritage project concerning on how the study of the sonic fabric of extant buildings and their surrounding environment can allow us to investigate on sonic identities and spaces where sound - as a set of music, voices, ambient sounds and noises -, was produced and perceived and to speculate on how their sonic heritage can be preserved and managed in the future.
Keywords:Sonic Heritage, Modern Reuse of Ancient Theatres

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